ENGAGE: To foster a love of reading, class teachers will plan using inspiring text drivers which offer children a stimulating starting point for writing and reading. An immersive text-led curriculum inspires and stimulates children and allows them to make links between other areas of the curriculum.
EVALUATE: The children are provided with continuous opportunities to be reflective on their learning. There is always time devoted to feedback, review, consult and reflect in the children’s reading journey so that it is purposeful and effective.
EMPOWER: The children will feel empowered in their reading and unafraid of challenge or initial failure.
BE RESPONSIBLE: The children are encouraged to take up the various reading initiatives that are endorsed in school. When children take responsibility for their learning leads to personal development and a sense of pride in the hard work produced and newly acquired skills.
ENJOY: We aim to foster children to enjoy reading. We ensure that we include a variety of opportunities which are diverse and inspiring to embed the children’s learning. More varied in-school experiences, such as book clubs run by children, reading breakfasts and book swaps. have all been introduced this year in the hope of instilling a passion for English in children.
Our Reading Principles
We believe reading is a passport to the world and the benefits of reading open children up to ideas, experiences, places and times they might never otherwise experience in real life. Every child deserves the chance to become a reader and research shows that children who enjoy reading achieve well right across the curriculum. We believe children actively enjoying reading and also being skilled at it are equally important. Both hold the same value and with either area lacking, children can be significantly disadvantaged.
Shared Reading
Reading Practice and Guided Reading
Guided Reading takes place on a daily basis in all classes. During these sessions, children take part in a range of whole class and group sessions. In reception and Year 1, reading practice sessions happen 3x a week as part of the Little Wandle programme. In Year 2 onwards, daily sessions take place, encouraging the development of reading skills. In Key Stage 2, a curriculum linked class book is selected to read in its entirety over the course of the half term alongside other texts as part of the Ashley Booth curriculum.
Whole Class Shared Reading
All English writing units have a key text driver. This is a high-quality text which the writing is based around. This book is shared with the class through whole class shared reading. The text will be used as a WAGOLL to support the children with their own writing.
1:1 Reading
Children have been identified who need to be read with on a daily basis with an adult. This could be because they did not pass the Phonic Check, they are Pupil Premium or that they are not meeting ARE in Reading.
Reading Breakfast
Once a half term, children are invited into school early at 8:00am with their parent to share a book together and have a breakfast. The breakfast is open to everyone.
Directed Reading
Class Story
Every class has a class book which the teacher reads to the children on a daily basis. These have been mapped out to ensure children are exposed to a range of modern and classic texts from a variety of different genres. There is a poster on each class door which says the book the class are reading and a book talk grid, encouraging conversation around reading.
Wider Reading Opportunities and Celebrations
Each year, we take part in World Book Day activities as well as celebrating other reading awareness days throughout the year, such as National Read a Book Day. In addition, we will work with authors, illustrators, the local book shop, libraries and the School Library Service to ensure that we excite and engage children with the people who manage literature and promote it as a possible career path.
Independent Reading
Everyone reading in class - this happens each day in class. All children (and adults!) read a book of their choice for 15 minutes in class.
All children regularly visit the library to ensure that they have a book they can take home and enjoy.
Wider Curriculum
Children have many opportunities to apply their reader skills in the wider curriculum.
Wheel of Names
Children who read 5+ times weekly and record it in their reading journals are placed in a wheel of names to win an opportunity to play board games at a specified time each week.
Book Swap
Throughout the school year, children are invited to bring in any of their old books to exchange for exciting new reads. This is an easy and fun way to swap books that they have already read for books that they want to read so that others can experience and enjoy a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
Developing a Love and Skill
Love of Reading:
Children are given the opportunity read every day to an adult
A planned and sequenced choice of books are read aloud to the children over the year
Quality texts drive all English units of work
Whole-school events are organised to celebrate and encourage reading
ERIC every day in class to allow independent reading
Book swaps organised throughout the year to allow children to refresh their book supplies
Class story time celebrated in each class
Book corners in every class are regularly updated with new books
Reading breakfast – families invited into school to share a book together
A range of reading materials are made available to the children e.g. The Week Junior/Nat Geo Kid
Skill of Reading:
Daily phonics teaching following the Little Wandle programme
Home reading books linked to phonic sounds being taught
Individual support for children falling behind, e.g., additional reading, interventions and booster groups
Daily guided reading sessions
Parent phonic workshops
Phonics videos uploaded to school website to provide guidance for supporting adults at home
Our reading aim in EYFS and Key Stage 1 is to develop fluent readers who are able to decode texts and develop a passion for reading. Our Key Stage 2 aim is to embed the enjoyment and develop the comprehension of texts. Our overall aim is to develop life-long readers, with a love of reading.