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Safeguarding determines the actions that we take to keep children safe and protect them from harm in all aspects of their school life. As a school we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our pupils.

Safeguarding encompasses the actions that we take to prevent harm; to promote wellbeing; to create safe environments; to educate on rights, respect and responsibilities; and to respond to specific issues and vulnerabilities. All of these aspects form part of the safeguarding responsibilities of the school.

Please download the policies below, which provide more information and greater detail.

Further Information

Links to local or national advice and guidance can be accessed via the safeguarding in education webpages:

Links to online specific advice and guidance can be found at:

Links to other pages from the local authority on safeguarding can be found at:

Information about keeping children safe online can be found on our ‘e-safety’ page:

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Lucy Macey, our Headteacher.

  • The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is Hannah Lowey. 

  • The Governor with lead responsibility for safeguarding is Andrew Blake.