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Our SEND information report outlines current special needs provision and practice at West Tytherley Primary School

In line with the SEN Code of Practice 2014 we also include a link to the Hampshire Local Offer.

Who are the special needs team at West Tytherley Primary School?

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities coordinator (SENDCo) is Ms. Hannah Lowey: email address:

  • The SEND Governor is Mr Chris Lloyd.

Working with outside agencies

For some pupils, their level of need will require further advice from outside agencies. Again the school will work in partnership with parents to access this support.

As a school we work with Specialist SEN Services, the community paediatrician, Speech Therapy, CAMHS, and other agencies.

If a child is identified as having needs which cannot be met by funding devolved directly to school, a My Support Plan will be drawn up in consultation with outside agencies, a named SEND lead worker and parents. A request may then be made to the Local Authority for this to become a statutory EHC (Education and Health Care plan.) This plan will be central to provision for the named pupil until the age of 25.

What to do if you feel your child has special educational needs

If you have any concerns at all please speak to your child’s teacher directly. For questions regarding prospective school entrants please contact the Executive Headteacher directly.

For further information regarding SEN at West Tytherley, please contact the school directly to speak to the Headteacher or SENDCo.

Hampshire Local Offer

For further information regarding the Hampshire Local Offer for children and young people with SEND please follow the link : Hampshire Local Offer

Further Reading