A Federated School

Since July 2021, West Tytherley Primary School has been part of a Federation* alongside Broughton Primary School, in the neighbouring village of Broughton. 

The decision to federate was taken after a consultation process with parents, staff, and the local community, supported by Hampshire County Council. 

As a Federated school, West Tytherley benefits from greater interaction with a local school, providing wider opportunities for the children and possibilities for increased social interaction. Collaboration between the two schools encourages cross-fertilisation of ideas and provides learning opportunities for staff.  By sharing resources across the two schools and leveraging the skills and resources of our staff, we believe we can provide a higher quality of teaching and learning for all.  In short, we believe we are ‘better together’. We have sought to convey this to the children at both schools - and they have enjoyed getting together, including for the performance of a song about the two schools together, available below!

Broughton and West Tytherly song

Under the Federation, each school remains separate but works together under a single Governing Body and an Executive Head Teacher - Mrs. Macey. Each school retains its unique character, and both West Tytherley and Broughton pride themselves on their caring, small-school approach where children are known and valued as individuals. For more information about Broughton Primary School, click on the link below.

* A federation is defined in law as two or more maintained schools operating under the  governance of a single governing body.  The legislation that allows schools to federate is set out in the regulations made under sections 24 and 25 of the Education Act 2002. 

Broughton Primary School